When you decide to change auto insurance, or when you’re getting it for the first time, you might not need it to take effect that day. You can choose the effective date, which could be anything from the next day to a few weeks or even months in the future. Make sure you want the car insurance you’re signing up for, though, so you don’t have to cancel before the auto insurance policy even gets started. It’s also a good idea to make sure that your Burlington, North Carolina insurance agent is clear about any fees or charges you’ll have to pay if you change your mind.
Often, it’s not so much about the location but the car insurance company itself when it comes to whether you’ll pay a fee if you decide to cancel your car insurance before you actually start using the auto insurance policy. By working with an independent agent like us, you can get all of your questions answered. We can look through the list of companies we work with, and help you find a policy that’s just right for you.
If you’re getting new auto insurance as a precaution and might change your mind before the car insurance policy actually starts, be sure to let us know. The more information we have, the more easily we can tailor your auto insurance policy to your specific needs. Most auto insurance companies won’t charge you any fees if you cancel before you start using the insurance, but some might. If you have some uncertainty, you definitely want to avoid the companies that will require you to pay fees if circumstances change for you. It’s not necessary for you to make a bunch of phone calls to get the right information, either. Just come see us, and we’ll take care of it for you.