If you’re contemplating your future, you might wonder if you should buy a life insurance policy. You may have questions about which type of policy to purchase. If you live near Burlington, NC, our team at Don Allred Insurance can discuss available policy options and provide recommendations. We’ve been working with clients in your area since 1977.
Help with Locating a Missing Life Insurance Policy
According to the North Carolina Department of Insurance, a department has been created to help family members who find themselves in this situation. This group has created the Lost Life Insurance and Annuity Inquiry Department to assist people in finding information about misplaced life insurance documents. If a deceased loved one purchased a policy in the state of North Carolina, this department may help you locate the record.
People who believe they are beneficiaries of lost life insurance policies can apply online to locate them. Executors of the estate of people with lost insurance policies or legal representatives of deceased people can also apply for this information. The North Carolina Department of Insurance website has a link to find lost insurance policies. If policy information is located, the insurance company will be notified and contact the applicant.
Call Us Today for Your Appointment
Whether a term insurance policy or a whole life policy is best for you, our team at Don Allred Insurance can show you a range of options to compare and help you decide on the right choices. We believe it’s important to provide our clients with sufficient information so they can make an informed purchase. Clients in the Burlington, NC, area can feel confident when working with our experienced agents. Call us for an appointment today, and let’s talk about insurance.