Acquiring auto insurance is one of the first steps to take when you get a vehicle. Auto insurance is a type of insurance that shields you from certain financial risks associated with owning and driving a vehicle. If you cause a collision on the road, auto insurance will pay to repair or replace the other driver’s vehicle. Some types of auto insurance will also pay to repair or replace your vehicle after a collision or other covered events. In most cases, auto insurance is mandatory when you’re buying a car.
At Don Allred Insurance, servicing Burlington, NC, we can help you get auto insurance. Here’s what you need to know.
Car Dealerships Usually Require Insurance
Reputable auto dealers typically require auto insurance before allowing you to drive off the lot. The best way to ensure that you have auto insurance for your vehicle when buying a car is to contact your insurance agent before purchasing. Your agent can help you select a policy so it’s ready when the vehicle is purchased.
Car Insurance is a Legal Requirement in Most States
Even if you’re buying a car from a private seller, car insurance is required by law in most states. This means that you’ll need to have insurance to drive the car away from the private seller.
Auto Insurance Protects You From Financial Liability
Auto insurance helps protect you from financial liability when owning a vehicle. Finding the right policy is important. The agents at Don Allred Insurance, servicing Burlington, NC, can help. We work with many carriers to help our clients find the right auto policy for their budget and needs. Call today to get started.