Identity theft is on the rise in the entire country, up six percent in the last year in the Burlington, NC area and you should prepare for what is likely to come. Shredding personal information before throwing it away and not detailing your personal checks are effective against the occasional looky-loo, but your major concern is electronic theft. Even if you never use credit cards online or electronically transfer funds, your information is still being stored electronically somewhere. The digital access to you is practically guaranteed. If your information is connected to electronic maintenance, then it is electronically accessible. You can avoid directly giving someone your personal and financial information, but it is not possible to deny a given individual indirect access to it.
Money transfers are the number one method of fraud, and the majority of schemes are implemented via emails. Not dealing with people you don’t know is a good strategy and can probably eliminate a lot of potential threats, but this may deter multiple attacks on your personal security. The odds are that you will be the victim of identity theft at least once in your lifetime. You may be able to eliminate certain avenues of access to your personal information by not displaying personal information when paying in person and avoiding having sensitive information sent through the postal service, but you can’t guarantee that your information won’t be physically stolen.
Identity theft insurance coverage may compensate you for expenses resulting from the theft, including replacement of valuable forms of identification. The coverage details vary from state to state. A trained and experienced professional from Willis Personal Lines Insurance can help you to prepare for something bad before it turns into something worse. The best course of action would be to have systems in place that will support a nearly inevitable attack on your identity.